Arguments in favor of gun control (piercing guns, that is)…Part 1
One question asked by clients regularly is if we use a gun for piercings. While piercing guns may seem to be a quick, easy and convenient way of creating holes, there are major drawbacks when it comes to tissue damage, sterility, and inappropriate jewelry design....
Do you wanna funk???
Sometimes you may discover that your healed piercings smell...funky. Something akin to sweaty old gym socks, or possum road kill cooked in mustard gas. It’s enough to make your Sure deodorant confused. Make your Secret tell on you. Make your Right Guard go left. Make...
That’s emu-zing!!!
"Snake Oil Salesman." The phrase conjures up images of seedy profiteers traveling the old West in Conestoga wagons trying to exploit an unsuspecting public by selling it fake cures. And when I was presented with emu oil recently, that’s exactly what came to my mind....
Which side are you on???
Right ear or left? Left nostril or right? Whenever a client comes in, it’s one of the first questions we ask. Which side should you have pierced? The answer is one of anatomy and personal aesthetics. Ears Your first consideration is the anatomy of your ears. Ears come...
Bargain basement piercings…
We get calls daily from people who want to know how much a piercing will cost. And that’s great; people should look for the best price. But the best price is not necessarily the person who charges the least. And conversely, just because a shop charges more, it doesn’t...
Rockin’ the cradle…
When it comes to piercing your child’s ears, it has been our policy, our philosophy, to only pierce when the child was of an age to knowingly ask for the procedure, and also show that they could comply with our aftercare suggestions. However, every society has its own...
Do you really want to hurt me?
When it comes to piercings, one of the first questions almost everyone asks is, “Is it going to hurt?” The simple answer is yes—I mean, c'mon, we’re putting a sharp needle through your flesh. However, the degree of pain is individual. Some people are more and some...
Soap dish…
Here’s the dish on soap—whatever you use to clean your piercing, make sure it helps more than harms. New cells have to grow to form the fistula, the internal "skin tube" that connects the two ends of the piercing. But if you’re killing new cells with harsh products,...
Things that grow bump in the night…
So you finally made the decision to get your nostril pierced! But even though you’ve been following proper aftercare instructions, a couple of days or weeks down the road the unthinkable has happened; a red, ugly, pimply, wart-looking thing has formed next to the...
Talk dirty to me…
Hygiene is imperative for a fresh piercing. You’re at risk for infection every time you expose the wound to bacteria. The first rule of piercing hygiene is to never touch your piercing with dirty hands. Always wash your hands before touching your new adornment. But...
Don’t get screwed…
Threaded jewelry uses screw threads for their closures – it has end balls that screw on and off (such as straight, curved or circular barbells, dermals and labret jewelry.) It’s either internally or externally threaded, and when choosing body jewelry, it’s important...
DIY piercing in three easy steps…
Recently, we’ve had a spate of customers come in with tales of self-piercings gone wrong. The lady who pierced her tongue...with a paper clip. The girl who let her friend pierce her nostril, but when said friend got the needle half-way through, she had to stop because...
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